“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” – Colossians 3:2

Yesterday we explored the profound truth that as followers of Christ, our ultimate citizenship is in heaven. This perspective has the power to transform how we approach life on Earth, leading us to live a life of purpose that extends far beyond the present moment.

Living a life of purpose means setting our minds on things above, as Colossians 3:2 encourages us. It’s about recognizing that this world is not our final destination, but rather a temporary stop on our journey to our true home in heaven.

When we live with an eternal perspective, we understand that our actions on Earth have eternal significance. Every choice we make, every relationship we nurture, and every act of kindness is an opportunity to align ourselves with God’s purpose.
In this light, living a life of purpose becomes a matter of stewardship. We are entrusted with time, talents, and resources, and it’s our responsibility to use them wisely for God’s glory. We no longer seek to accumulate wealth and possessions for our own satisfaction but to further God’s kingdom and bless others.

A life of purpose is marked by love. We recognize that love is the currency of heaven, and we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our love for others reflects God’s love for us and testifies to the reality of our heavenly citizenship.
Living beyond the now means we embrace hope. Even in the face of adversity and uncertainty, we have the assurance of an eternal future with God. This hope fuels our perseverance and resilience, allowing us to endure hardships and setbacks with grace and faith.

Purpose-driven living empowers us to impact the world around us positively. We become agents of transformation, bringing God’s love, mercy, and justice into a broken world. Each act of service, each moment of generosity, and each word of encouragement becomes a powerful testimony to the reality of heaven.
As you go through the day, remember that you are a citizen of heaven, living in a world that desperately needs the light of Christ. Embrace your role as a bearer of God’s love and purpose. Seek His guidance in all you do, and trust that living for His eternal kingdom will bring immeasurable joy and fulfillment. Your life is a part of God’s grand story, and as you live a life of purpose, you contribute to His divine plan. 

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