“In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome.” – 1 John 5:3
The intertwined nature of our love for God and our obedience to Him is a theme that runs throughout Scripture. In fact, it’s not just a casual connection; it’s a foundational principle that shapes the essence of our relationship with the Almighty. As we explore this truth, let’s delve into the profound connection between love and obedience.

The premise is clear: a real and complete love for God is the cornerstone of a genuine relationship with Him. It’s not a mere sentiment; it’s a transformative decision to love God with the entirety of our being. When our love for Him lacks authenticity or completeness, our relationship with God remains superficial. However, when we love Him authentically, we open the door to a deep and meaningful connection with the Creator of the universe.

The link between love and obedience is a recurring theme in the Bible. In 1 John 5:3, we’re reminded that genuine love for God is expressed through keeping His commands. Jesus himself emphasized this connection in John 14:15, stating, “If you love me, you will keep my commands.” Love and obedience are inseparable, like two sides of the same coin. Our love for God naturally results in a desire to align our lives with His will.

In our daily walk, obedience becomes a measuring tool for the authenticity of our love for God. When we find ourselves hesitant or resistant to obey, it serves as an indicator that our love might be lacking or incomplete. It’s in those moments of hesitation that we must disciple ourselves to decide, to make a conscious choice to love God, and to realign our position with Him.
Remember, the decision to love and obey God is not contingent on feelings or circumstances. It’s an intentional choice, a discipleship of the heart that transforms our actions and positions us in alignment with God’s perfect will.

As you navigate your journey with God, let the connection between love and obedience be a guiding principle. May your love for Him be complete and authentic, resulting in a relationship marked by heartfelt obedience and a continual desire to align your life with His commands.
Reflect on the inseparable connection between love and obedience in your life. Use obedience as a gauge to assess the authenticity of your love for God. If you find moments of hesitation or resistance, take intentional steps to DECIDE to love God, repent from sin, and realign your position in a transformative relationship with Him. 

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