“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” – Psalm 34:18

If you are a believer (or even if you are not) at some point, you will find yourself asking the age-old question: Why would a good God allow evil and suffering? The world we inhabit is marred by abuse, racism, wars, and various forms of injustice. Daily, we bear witness to the harsh realities of murders, mass shootings, and pervasive abuse. It’s a question echoing through the corridors of time, asked by the likes of Job in the Old Testament and poets of the Psalms.
In times of great calamity, such as the Holocaust or the aftermath of 9/11, the haunting “Why?” resounds. Even now, amid global challenges like the COVID pandemic and geopolitical conflicts, we wrestle with the inquiry: Why would a good God permit so much pain?

This question, though ancient, is not confined to grand tragedies; it penetrates the very fabric of our personal lives. Perhaps you, dear reader, are in the midst of a season of suffering, where the weight of the “Why me? Why now?” presses upon your soul.

As we grapple with these questions, it’s essential to recognize that God does not stand aloof from our pain. Psalm 34:18 assures us that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and is intimately involved in our struggles. It doesn’t provide a neat answer to the complexities of suffering, but it points us to a God who is not indifferent.

Our understanding is finite, but God’s ways are beyond our comprehension. The why may elude us, but the assurance of God’s presence amid the suffering is our anchor. In the mystery of pain, we find solace in a God who, rather than explaining every detail, invites us to trust Him in the journey.
So, in the midst of your questioning, cling to the promise that God is near. The “Why” may persist, but in His closeness, we discover a source of comfort that transcends our understanding.

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