“In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

Twenty-two years in ministry have brought me face to face with the most challenging question: Why? Why do we encounter the heart-wrenching scenes of abandoned children in orphanages longing for love? Why do families face devastating accidents, leaving children orphaned? Why do we witness the painful reality of burying young lives after their courageous fights?
I won’t sugarcoat it—I don’t have all the answers. The “why” of suffering, loss, and pain eludes me just as it does you. I stand in the midst of life’s uncertainties, grappling with the same questions that echo through the ages.

Yet, in my journey of faith, I’ve found solace in the words of Jesus Himself. In John 16:33, He candidly warns us that suffering is an unavoidable part of our earthly existence. It’s a reality we grapple with, and it’s a truth that echoes through the tapestry of our lives.
The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 13:12, adds another layer to our understanding. He acknowledges the limitations of our current perspective, likening it to seeing a reflection in a mirror. The full picture is yet to be revealed, and in this limited understanding, we wrestle with unanswered questions.

The “why” may remain a mystery on this side of heaven. We might not fully comprehend the intricate workings of God’s plan in the face of human suffering. However, there’s a reassuring promise in knowing that we are known fully by a God whose wisdom surpasses our understanding.
In the midst of life’s perplexities, let’s hold onto the truth that Jesus has overcome the world. Our struggles and questions are not in vain, and one day, in the fullness of His presence, we will find the answers that elude us today. Until then, may we find comfort in the journey, trusting in the God who walks alongside us even when the path seems unclear.

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