“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” – Romans 5:8

Couldn’t God, in all His glory and wisdom, have foreseen everything before it happened? The answer, quite simply, is yes—He did. But here’s the kicker: that foresight didn’t alter His unwavering love for us.
Flashback to the days before Audra and I became parents. We had five years of kid-free marital bliss, during which we mastered the art of judgment. We’d watch other parents dealing with tantrums and unruly kids, thinking we could do it better. We’d make promises about having perfect kids and being flawless parents. Deep down, though, we knew perfection wasn’t in the cards.

Even before having kids, we recognized the potential for hurt, disappointment, and rebellion. Yet, armed with foresight, we chose to become parents. Why? Because amidst the potential struggles, we also saw the promise of joy, love, meaningful relationships, and unforgettable moments.
Now, imagine God’s perspective as He set the stage to create mankind. He knew the rebellion was on the horizon, yet He also envisioned a multitude choosing to follow, love, and pursue a relationship with Him, spending eternity in Heaven. To God, it was all worth it. We were worth it.

This analogy is far from perfect, but it offers a glimpse into God’s heart. He foresaw our rebellion, our flaws, and our imperfections. Still, He deemed us worth the potential for tremendous joy, real love, and meaningful relationships. His love for us was so profound that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to experience immense pain, undergo unimaginable suffering, and ultimately die on a cross—to pay the price for our redemption.

Romans 5:8 encapsulates this beautifully: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Even in our imperfections, God’s love shines through. So, let’s embrace the foreseen, knowing that God’s love for us transcends our shortcomings and invites us into a journey of redemption and grace.

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