War Against Evil

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens." - Ephesians 6:12  
Sometimes, it's easy to forget that the battles we face are not primarily against other people. The conflicts we witness, whether on the news or in our daily lives, are often manifestations of a deeper spiritual struggle between good and evil. We are not at war against people, we are at war against evil.

In the midst of the turmoil surrounding conflicts like the one in Israel, it's crucial to remember that every individual, no matter their actions or affiliations, is created in the image of God. Yes, even those individuals whom we may perceive as enemies or adversaries. They, too, possess a soul destined for eternity.
As Christians, our mission is clear: to love and pray for all people, including those we may find difficult to love. It's not about taking sides against individuals; rather, it's about standing firmly against the forces of evil that seek to destroy and divide.

Consider the people affected by recent conflict—both Israelis and Palestinians. Among them are those who love the Lord and strive for peace. Yet, there are also those who perpetrate acts of violence and terror. It's essential to distinguish between individuals and the evil ideologies they may embrace.
Today, as you pray for peace in conflict-ridden regions and for the souls of those involved, remember that our ultimate battle is against the spiritual forces of darkness. Let's strive to extend love and compassion to all people, even as we stand unwaveringly against evil in all its forms.  

Stay encouraged, and remember, our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against evil itself.

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