The Heart's Reflection

"But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'" - 1 Samuel 16:7 
I want to encourage you into a personal reflection today. Spend some time thinking through this question: What does Jesus see when He gazes into your heart? Not the outward displays of religiosity or the public acts of service, but the hidden motives and desires that shape your innermost being.

Look at your actions within the church community—attending services, giving offerings, participating in ministries. While these are all commendable, the crucial question remains: What drives these actions? Is it a genuine love for Jesus, a deep-seated need for His presence in your life, or is it something else entirely?
It's easy to put on a facade of devotion, to appear as a friend of Jesus while harboring doubts, fears, or ulterior motives within. But true authenticity lies in aligning our outward expressions with the inward reality of our hearts.

When Jesus looked upon Judas, He didn't see a man with authentic faith. Instead, He beheld a friend who was willing to betray Him—a betrayal rooted in disbelief and hidden agendas. It wasn't merely the act of betrayal that pained Jesus, but the underlying disbelief that fueled it.
Now take a moment to examine your own heart. Are you serving, loving, and giving to Jesus out of a sincere desire to honor Him and draw closer to Him? Or are there hidden doubts, insecurities, or selfish ambitions that taint your actions?

Remember, appearances may appease people, but authenticity is what pleases God. As you strive for authenticity in your faith, let your heart reflect a genuine love for Jesus—one that permeates every aspect of your life and brings glory to His name.
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