True Sacrifice

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." - Romans 12:1 
Have you ever stopped to consider what true sacrifice looks like? It's a question worth thinking about, especially in a world that often confuses sacrifice with mere contribution.

There's a story about a chicken and a pig that illustrates this concept beautifully. They came together to discuss how they could help feed the hungry in their community. The chicken proposed providing bacon and eggs for breakfast. But the pig, with wisdom in his words, pointed out a crucial difference. "Your sacrifice only requires a contribution," he said, "but my sacrifice would require a total commitment. All you have to do is lay an egg... I, on the other hand, would have to give up my life.”
In our lives, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that sacrifice means making a contribution here and there. We might give a few dollars to a cause or volunteer our time when it's convenient. But true sacrifice, especially in the eyes of God, goes much deeper than that.

Sacrifice, as God intends it, is not just about stewardship—it's about total commitment. It's about laying down our lives, our desires, and our will at the feet of the One who gave everything for us. It's about presenting ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God.
Romans 12:1 urges us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, as an act of spiritual worship. This means surrendering every aspect of our lives to God, not just the parts that are easy or convenient. It means being willing to sacrifice our comfort, our plans, and even our very selves, for the sake of God's kingdom.

As you consider your definition of sacrifice today, ask yourself this question: Does it align with God's expectation for sacrifice? Are you willing to make a total commitment, like the pig, rather than just offering a contribution like the chicken? We should all strive to live lives of true sacrifice, wholly dedicated to the One who sacrificed everything for us.

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