Drawing Near with Obedience

"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong." - Ecclesiastes 5:1 
Have you ever approached God in worship without obeying Him? Solomon's words in Ecclesiastes 5 remind us of the importance of drawing near to God with obedience rather than offering sacrifices with the wrong motives.

Solomon emphasizes the significance of approaching God with the right intentions. To "draw near" to God implies a close relationship characterized by sincerity and obedience. It's about approaching Him with reverence and a desire to align our lives with His will.
In contrast, offering the sacrifice of fools involves carelessly living throughout the week, speaking without listening, and failing to fulfill promises made to God. Solomon warns against these behaviors, highlighting the folly of approaching God with insincerity and disobedience.

Drawing near to God requires more than mere words or rituals; it necessitates a heart committed to obedience. We must not rush into His presence with empty words or hasty promises. Instead, we should approach Him with humility, recognizing His sovereignty and our dependence on Him.
Solomon's admonition to guard our steps echoes throughout Scripture, reminding us to approach God with reverence and obedience. Let us not be like the fools who offer sacrifices without understanding the weight of their actions. Instead, may we draw near to God with sincerity and obedience, seeking His will above our own.

As we prepare to worship, make an effort to reflect on your own obedience to God's commands. Are there areas in your life where you need to align your actions with His Word? Commit to obeying Him wholeheartedly, knowing that true worship begins with a surrendered and obedient heart.

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