True Freedom in Christ

“We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be rendered powerless, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.” – Romans 6:6  

Paul makes it clear in his writings in Scripture that you’re either a slave to sin or you’re free from it. You can’t be both. Living “in Christ” and living “in sin” are mutually exclusive because when Jesus changed your eternal destination, He also transformed your identity, your heart, and your nature.

This transformation doesn’t mean that once you’re saved, you become perfect or that the temptation to sin disappears. Far from it. What it means is that your old self, with its sinful nature, has been crucified with Christ, and you have been made new. Your new nature has different desires, aligning more closely with God’s will rather than the sinful inclinations of your past.

However, many of us struggle with the idea of fully surrendering to God. We want the benefits—heaven, forgiveness, blessings, and protection—without the sacrifice of dying to ourselves. We want to keep parts of our old life, clinging to sinful habits and desires. This half-hearted surrender keeps us enslaved to sin.

If we’re honest, many of us are in this very place. We’ve improved somewhat from our past, but we’re still not free. The reason is simple: we don’t want to surrender completely. We don’t want to stop sinning or give up control of our lives. We want to lead our own lives, make our own decisions, and yet still receive God’s favor and blessings.

But that’s not how it works. True freedom in Christ requires complete surrender. When we fully yield our lives to God, allowing Him to be Lord over every aspect, He crucifies our old self and breaks the chains of sin once and for all. This total surrender brings true freedom, enabling us to walk in the newness of life that Jesus offers.

Living “in Christ” means giving Him full control, and letting Him lead and guide every decision. It means trusting Him with your whole heart and allowing Him to transform you from the inside out. When you go all in with Jesus, He will lead you away from sin and into a life of righteousness, peace, and true freedom.

Examine your heart, today. Are you still holding onto parts of your old life? Are there sins you haven’t surrendered to God? Let go of them. Fully surrender to Jesus and experience the true freedom that comes from living “in Christ.” Allow Him to transform you, break the chains of sin, and lead you into the abundant life He has promised.

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