Reflecting God's Truth

"To the faithful saints in Christ Jesus at Ephesus." - Ephesians 1:1 
One of the greatest tricks the devil plays on Christians today is convincing us we are something other than who God says we are. He loves planting seeds in our lives that lead to us having a poor self-image and an incorrect view of who we are.

I believe there are people reading this who have been saved and are living “in Christ” and yet, you still have a distorted image of who you are because the devil has convinced you that you are something other than who God says you are, and that’s a problem. You know what I’ve learned? One mirror isn’t sufficient to see who you really are. Think about that...
When you look in a bathroom mirror, you see an image of yourself with left and right reversed. If you don’t believe me, next time you’re in the bathroom, extend your right hand and try to shake hands with yourself. The “person” in the mirror will extend their left hand… try it! A bathroom mirror switches left and right in any image it reflects. You know what that tells me? To see yourself as others do, one mirror isn’t enough… you need a second mirror to undo what the first mirror did.

Here’s how self-image works many times… Our sin distorts who we really are, and Satan’s lies convince us that we’re nothing more than our mistakes. But God sent Jesus to be your second mirror, to reverse what the devil did with that first mirror… He shows us… we aren’t destined by the devil to be SINNERS… but we were called out by God to be SAINTS.
That’s what Paul called the Christians in Ephesus as he began this letter. He said: "To the faithful saints in Christ Jesus at Ephesus" (Ephesians 1:1).

Just as the believers in Ephesus were called saints, so are you, if you are “in Christ.” Let Jesus be your second mirror today. Let His truth undo the distortions caused by sin and Satan. Embrace your identity as a beloved child of God, redeemed and made new in Christ. Reflect God's truth in your life and let His light shine through you to dispel every lie of the enemy. You are not defined by your past or your mistakes. You are defined by who God says you are—a saint, chosen and cherished by Him.
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