Called to Someone, Not Away from Something

"Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called." - Ephesians 4:1  
What does it mean to "walk in a manner worthy of your calling"? It means living a fully surrendered life to Jesus Christ. God doesn't just call us away from sin; He calls us to pursue Him. Repentance involves a change of direction where we turn from sin and turn towards Christ.

Many Christians struggle with true repentance because they grew up in a legalistic setting where "following Jesus" was about behavior modification. It was about following certain rules and being a "good boy" or "good girl." Some of us remember those offering envelopes with boxes to check: "Read Bible daily," "Pray each day," and "Give my tithe." While this provided accountability, it sometimes reduced Christianity to a lifestyle of checking boxes.
Jesus doesn't want you to check boxes for Him; He wants you to fully surrender to Him. When you surrender first and turn to God, He will work in you. Repentance and surrender are more than just ticking off tasks. When Jesus saves you, He changes you. He changes your eternal destination and your heart, life, and nature here on earth.

If Jesus has changed you, you will naturally run to God and want to run from sin. This is how it works: turn to Jesus, turn from sin. If you try to turn from sin first without turning to Jesus, you'll likely just try to become a better version of yourself rather than experiencing true transformation.
Ephesians 4:1 calls us to live in a way that reflects our calling. This means surrendering our lives to Jesus, not just avoiding sin. It's about pursuing a relationship with Him, letting Him change us from the inside out. When we fully surrender to Jesus, He leads us away from sin and towards a life that glorifies Him.

Being a saint means being called to someone, not just away from something. Let your life reflect the calling to which you have been called by walking closely with Jesus every day.

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