
"In him you also were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed. The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory." — Ephesians 1:13-14 
Over the past couple of weeks, we have been looking at who we are in Christ. Paul’s words in Ephesians 1 are incredibly powerful. He tells us that the moment we believe and are saved, we are "sealed with the promised Holy Spirit." But what does it mean to be sealed?

In the first century, sealing referred to the process of finalizing an official document. Documents were written on parchment, rolled up, and sealed with hot wax. The wax would then be stamped with a seal, often from a ring worn by someone with great authority. This seal indicated ownership, authenticity, and approval. It was similar to a signature saying, "I sent this" or "I approved this."
A seal in the ancient world showed ownership. Cattle, other animals, and even slaves were branded to indicate who they belonged to. Paul uses this imagery to convey a profound truth: When you were saved, God approved your salvation and marked you with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Christian’s seal, sent by God to indwell us and take residence in our lives.

Paul also refers to the Holy Spirit as the down payment of our inheritance. This means that when God saved us, He marked us with the Holy Spirit. When we entered this new relationship with God, the Holy Spirit came to us and began authenticating the reality of that relationship by making us more like Jesus.
If you haven't been sealed with the Holy Spirit, then you haven't been saved. The Bible clearly states that when God saves us, He marks us with the Holy Spirit. This seal changes us and makes us more like His Son.

Being sealed with the Holy Spirit confirms our identity in Christ. It means we are His, marked by His Spirit, and part of His family. This seal signifies that we are saints and,  
If you are sealed, you are a child of God, marked by His Spirit, and your identity is in Christ. Embrace this identity and live out your faith, knowing that you are blessed and secure in Him.
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