
"And you were dead in your trespasses and sins." — Ephesians 2:1 
I experienced the need for salvation for the very first time as a young boy—not in a spiritual sense, but in a physical sense. One summer Saturday in Texas, my family was enjoying some time at our local lake when I was probably 9 or 10 years old. I'll never forget the scene that day. There was a beach where people would hang out, and there was also this floating manmade structure about 100 feet offshore. Kids would swim out to that structure, bounce on it, and jump off.

I had been playing and swimming back and forth all day long, just having fun. At one point, while swimming out, my body locked up. I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced that before, but it’s terrifying! I don't know if it was a cramp or something else, but all I know is my body stopped working, and I went under. I remember taking on water and gasping for air. At one point, I remember thinking, "This is it for me. I’m going to drown."
About that time, something hit me in the head. I could hear someone's voice, screaming in my ear. It was my little brother screaming for help while swimming out to save me. The thing that hit me in the head? It was a floatation device he had thrown to save me.

In that moment, I knew I was in trouble. I realized that without someone coming to my rescue, I wasn’t going to make it. Have you been there before? Perhaps not in a physical sense, but I can tell you that we’ve all been there in a spiritual sense.
The Bible says that when you were born, you were born in need of salvation. You might ask, “Why is that? Saved from what?” Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:1, “And you were dead in your trespasses and sins.”

Spiritually, we are all like I was that day in the lake—drowning and unable to save ourselves. We are born in sin, spiritually dead, and in desperate need of rescue. But just as my brother swam out to save me, Jesus came to rescue us. He came because we were helpless and hopeless without Him.
When you realize your need for salvation, it's the first step toward being rescued. Just like I needed my brother to throw that floatation device, we need Jesus to save us from our sins. He is our Savior who came to seek and save the lost.

Are you in need of being rescued, today?
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