Your Search For The Right Church

“Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.” - Revelation 1:19 
In the book of Revelation, we find letters addressed to seven literal churches. These messages aren't just for those churches; they reveal seven types of church members, too. As we dive into these letters over the next few days, let’s set the stage by understanding a bit more about the author, John.

John was one of the twelve disciples Jesus chose during His ministry on earth. He witnessed every miracle, every healing, and every moment of Jesus casting out demons. He saw Jesus walk on water and perform countless wonders. John was there through it all, even during Jesus’ most painful moments.
John didn’t just see Jesus’ crucifixion; he was also a witness to the resurrection. He spent forty days with the risen Jesus, learning and absorbing every word He preached until the day Jesus ascended back to Heaven. Afterward, John became a pivotal leader in the early church. Despite the severe persecution that led to the brutal deaths of his fellow apostles, John remained faithful.

Church history tells us that they tried to kill John, too, by boiling him in oil. Miraculously, he survived. Unable to kill him, they exiled him to the island of Patmos, a desolate place akin to a modern-day Alcatraz. Imagine John, an old man nearing 100, isolated on this rugged island. Yet, it was here that he wrote the book of Revelation.
Think about John’s journey: witnessing Jesus’ miracles, enduring tremendous persecution, and remaining steadfast in his faith. His life is a testament to unwavering devotion and resilience. As you search for the right church, remember the dedication and commitment shown by the early believers like John. Their faith wasn’t swayed by hardships or isolation. Instead, they found strength and purpose in their relationship with Jesus.
In your own spiritual journey, seek a church that reflects this kind of faith—one that stands firm in the face of trials, remains rooted in the teachings of Jesus, and is dedicated to spreading His message. As we explore the letters to the seven churches, be inspired by John’s example and challenge yourself to grow in your faith, no matter the circumstances.

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