Returning To Your First Love

“But I have this against you: You have abandoned the love you had at first.” - Revelation 2:4 
Do you remember what it was like when you first fell in love? The fire, the passion, those sleepless nights talking on the phone until dawn. “I’m not going to hang up… you hang up.” You were giddy, consumed by their beauty and charm, and couldn’t wait to see them again. Just thinking about that person dominated your life, and you spent everything you had trying to make them smile. You shaved, wore nice clothes, and made sure you smelled good before you saw him or her.
But what happened? Those days feel long gone now, don’t they? Maybe you don’t shave as often, you don’t dress up, and you might not even worry about smelling nice anymore. When did all that change?

This is what Jesus was saying to the church at Ephesus. He was asking them to remember when they first fell in love with Him. Remember the passion, the convictions, and the disciplines they pursued. Jesus was looking at them and asking, “What happened?”
The Ephesian church didn’t have a duty problem; they were working hard. They didn’t have a doctrine problem; they were preaching the truth. They didn’t have a dedication problem; they were locked in and persevering. What they had was a devotion problem. They had abandoned the love they had at first.

Think back to when you first encountered Jesus. The overwhelming love and passion you felt for Him. You were eager to spend time in prayer, devour His Word, and share His love with others. But over time, maybe that passion has cooled. The routine of daily life, the pressures and responsibilities, they’ve all taken their toll, and that initial fire has dimmed.
Jesus is calling us back to that first love. He’s not looking for mere duty, correct doctrine, or even steadfast dedication. He wants our hearts. He wants us to love Him with the same fervor and intensity we had at first. He desires a relationship marked by passion and devotion.

So how do we return to our first love? It starts with remembering. Reflect on those early days of your faith, the joy, and the excitement. Then, repent. Acknowledge where your love has grown cold and ask for God’s forgiveness. Finally, return to the things you did at first. Spend time in prayer, immerse yourself in the Bible, and engage in acts of love and service.
Let’s rekindle our love for Jesus. Let’s be a people who not only work hard, preach truth, and persevere but who are deeply and passionately in love with our Savior. Jesus is asking, “What happened?” Let’s respond by reigniting that first love and devotion, making Him the center of our lives once again.

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