Rediscovering Your First Love

“But I have this against you: You have abandoned the love you had at first.” - Revelation 2:4 
We have spent the last few days discussing the church in Ephesus, a church that was once devoted to love. John, the ‘beloved disciple,’ was their pastor. Thirty years before John wrote his Revelation on the island of Patmos, Paul commended this church in his letter to the Ephesians, saying he had heard about their faith in the Lord Jesus and their love for all the saints.

Paul mentioned their love 14 different times in his letter. This was a church that got it right for a long time. They had the right people preaching, solid doctrine, generous givers, and faithful servants. They were hard-working and busy doing many good things.
Jesus acknowledges and applauds their efforts, but then He shifts gears. He says, “But you’ve lost your love.” Despite their hard work and dedication, they had lost the passionate love they once had for Jesus. They were substituting labor for love, and Jesus called them out on it.

I want you to ask yourself this today: Is Jesus still everything to you? Are you passionately in love with Him? Has there ever been a time in your life when you loved Jesus more than you do right now? If so, you might be in the same place the Ephesian believers were. But here’s the good news: there’s still hope.
Jesus doesn’t just point out their failure; He offers a way back. He calls them to remember, repent, and return. Remember the love you had at first, repent for letting it fade, and return to the things you did when your love was fresh and vibrant.

Reflect on your own journey. Are you going through the motions of faith without the fervor you once had? Jesus desires a relationship marked by love and passion. He wants your heart, not just your efforts. If your love has grown cold, take time to remember the joy of your initial encounter with Him. Let that memory stir your heart to repent and seek Him with renewed devotion.
Jesus is calling you back to your first love. Embrace His invitation. Rediscover the love that once set your heart on fire. Let it transform your walk with Him and reignite your passion for His presence. There is always hope for rekindling your love for Jesus. All it takes is a willing heart and a desire to return to Him.
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