Step 1: Remember

“Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.” - Revelation 2:4 
Jesus’ message to the church at Ephesus is an important reminder of the importance of remembering our first love. When we first encountered God’s love, it transformed us. There was a time when our hearts burned with passion for Jesus, and His presence was the center of our lives.  

Think back to those early days of your faith journey. Do you remember the excitement and joy you felt? Maybe you couldn’t wait to read your Bible and learn more about God’s Word. Prayer was a conversation you eagerly looked forward to, not just a routine. Worship was an experience that moved you deeply, filling you with awe and gratitude.
Now think of the changes that happened in your life during that time. Perhaps you were more patient, kind, and forgiving. You might have found yourself more willing to serve others and less focused on your own needs. The love of Jesus had a profound effect on your character and actions. You were filled with a sense of purpose and hope, knowing that you were loved by God and called to share that love with others.

For many of us, those early days were marked by significant personal growth and transformation. We saw God’s hand at work in our lives in powerful ways. Relationships were healed, addictions were broken, and new opportunities arose as we walked closely with Him. Our faith was vibrant and alive.
But over time, it’s easy to let that passion fade. Life gets busy, distractions creep in, and our relationship with God can become more of a duty than a delight. Jesus’ words to the Ephesian church remind us to stop and remember. He calls us to look back and recall the moments when our love for Him was at its peak.

Take a moment today to reflect on your journey. When were you closest to God? What was happening in your life during that time? How did your faith shape your actions and attitudes? Remember the joy, the peace, and the sense of purpose that came from being in love with Jesus.
God is calling you back to your first love. Remembering those precious moments can reignite your faith and renew your commitment to Him. Let your heart be filled with the same excitement and devotion you once had, and let it transform your life once again.
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