Do Not Be Afraid

“Don’t be afraid. I am the First and the Last.” - Revelation 1:17 
In Revelation 1:17, Jesus repeats a crucial command: “Don’t be afraid.” He reassures us, saying, “I am the First and the Last.” For the early Christians facing intense persecution, these words were a powerful reminder of His eternal nature and His presence with them through every trial.

When we love Jesus, follow Him, and trust Him, we have no reason to fear. But fear often finds its way into our hearts. So, let me ask you today: What are you afraid of? Why are you afraid?  
Jesus knows exactly what you’re facing, and He still says, “Don’t be afraid.” He understands our worries and anxieties. He never promised us a life free from difficulties, but He did promise that He would always be with us. He assured us that He would never leave us or forsake us.  

Jesus experienced tribulation, poverty, slander, suffering, and even death. He’s walked the hardest roads imaginable, and He tells us that no matter what we’re facing, we don’t have to fear. He has gone before us and now walks with us. He encourages us, “Don’t worry about what you’re worrying about. Just trust me… and be faithful.”
In this passage, He’s asking the persecuted church: What are you afraid of? Are you afraid they will take your money, your job, your reputation, your family, your life? Yes, we might lose these things. But Jesus reminds us that nobody can take Him from us.  

If Jesus is who we truly treasure the most, then the fact that He is always with us and cannot be taken from us should be enough. So, Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid.”
Whatever you’re facing today, remember that Jesus is with you. He is the First and the Last. He has seen it all, and He holds your future in His hands. Trust in His presence and His promise. Let His words of reassurance wash over you: Do not be afraid.
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