The Danger of Apostasy

"But I have a few things against you: You have some there who hold to the teaching of Balaam." - Revelation 2:14 
Are you holding fast to the Word of God and living a life that aligns with your professed faith? This is something Jesus addresses in Revelation when talking to the church at Pergamum. 
He says, “You have some there who hold to the teaching of Balaam.” Balaam, an Old Testament prophet, led Israel into sin through false doctrine and sexual immorality. In Pergamum, there were individuals promoting similar false teachings. Jesus makes it clear: “What you’re believing to be true… is demonic… and false and wrong. Now, it may be socially acceptable… it may be culturally relevant… but those beliefs are unacceptable in the eyes of God!”
This warning is crucial for us today. Our society often promotes beliefs and values that contradict God’s Word. We must be discerning and steadfast, ensuring that our beliefs align with biblical truth, not cultural trends. False doctrine can lead us away from God and into spiritual danger.

Jesus also critiques their behavior, specifically referencing sexual sin. He condemns fornication (sexual relationships outside of marriage) and adultery (unfaithfulness to marriage vows). He declares, “Sexual sin is totally unacceptable for my people and it’s totally unacceptable in the eyes of God.” This condemnation extends to any behavior that contradicts God’s standards.
This brings us to the concept of apostasy. Apostasy refers to someone who claims to profess faith but doesn’t practice that faith. It’s someone who identifies as a Christian but lives in a way that contradicts the teachings of the Bible. Jesus calls out the church at Pergamum for this very issue. They were wearing the badge of Christianity but living in open rebellion against God.

This is a sobering reminder for us today. We must examine our lives and ensure that our actions reflect our professed faith. It’s easy to claim the title of a Christian, but our lives must demonstrate our commitment to Christ. Apostasy happens when we desire sin more than we desire Jesus.
Why does this happen? Because we’re still enticed by sin. Living an apostate life occurs when we prioritize our sinful desires over our relationship with Jesus. It’s a dangerous path that leads us away from God and into spiritual destruction.

We must guard against this by immersing ourselves in God’s Word, surrounding ourselves with godly influences, and continually seeking to align our lives with God’s standards. Jesus calls us to live lives of holiness and faithfulness, rejecting false beliefs and sinful behavior.

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