A Letter from Jesus to Us

And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: "The words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead." - Revelation 3:1
I can't help but wonder if Jesus wrote us a letter, what would He say? Would He compliment us for our faithfulness, or would He call out areas where we've grown complacent? This is something worth thinking about as we reflect on the messages Jesus had for the seven churches 2,000 years ago.

So far, we've explored what Jesus had to say to the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, and Thyatira. Today, we turn our attention to Sardis, as described in Revelation 3. Sardis was a city with a rich history and a seemingly strong reputation, but Jesus saw beyond appearances.
Sardis, located about 50 miles east of Smyrna, was once a prominent and powerful city. It was situated on a steep plateau, 1,500 feet above sea level, with only one narrow road leading in and out. This made Sardis incredibly secure and protected from the threat of invading armies.  
Not only was it safe, but Sardis was also wealthy. A gold rush had transformed it into a bustling hub, attracting people from far and wide. The city was industrious, known for its carpet and rug factories, wool harvesting, and dyed clothes production. The people of Sardis were hardworking and seemed to have it all together.

Yet, Jesus message to Sardis was stark: despite their reputation for being alive, they were spiritually dead. How does this resonate with us today? Sometimes, we might look like we're thriving on the outside busy with activities, programs, and event's ”but Jesus looks at our hearts. Are we truly alive in Him, or are we merely going through the motions?
This letter to Sardis challenges us to examine our own lives and our church. Are we relying on past successes and external appearances, or are we genuinely seeking a vibrant, living relationship with Christ? Jesus calls us to wake up, strengthen what remains, and rekindle our passion for Him.  

Let's take this message to heart. Ask yourself, If Jesus wrote me a letter today, what would He say's Embrace His call to revive your faith and live fully for Him, knowing that true life comes from a heart wholly devoted to Christ.

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