What Would Jesus Write to You?

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers, I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” - Revelation 2:7 
Have you ever wondered what Jesus would say if He wrote you a personal letter? What would He commend you for, and where might He call you out? As we reflect on Jesus’ messages to the seven churches, let’s turn this reflection inward. Imagine Jesus crafting a letter specifically for you. What would it say?

Take a moment to honestly consider this. If you feel a nudge or conviction about areas in your life, that’s Jesus speaking to you. Maybe it’s about rekindling your first love for Him, as He mentioned to the church in Ephesus. Perhaps it’s about remaining faithful through trials, like the church in Smyrna. Or it could be a call to stop compromising with worldly values, much like the church in Pergamum.  

If you already have a sense of what Jesus would say to you, why do we often hesitate or delay in obeying Him? Obedience can be challenging. It might mean making difficult changes, stepping out of your comfort zone, or letting go of things that hold you back. However, remember that Jesus' call to obedience is not about burdening us; it's about leading us to true life and freedom in Him.
Just think of the rewards He promises to those who overcome: eating from the tree of life in the paradise of God, being unharmed by the second death, receiving a new name known only to the one who receives it, and sharing in His victory. These rewards are not just future promises but present realities that begin to transform our lives now.  

Obedience to Christ isn’t about following rules; it’s about aligning our hearts with His and experiencing the fullness of His love and purpose. When we choose to obey, we step into the abundant life Jesus promised—a life of peace, joy, and eternal significance.
So, what would Jesus’ letter to you say? Take that first step of obedience today. Don’t wait or make excuses. Trust that on the other side of obedience is a deeper relationship with Jesus, filled with the richness of His blessings. Embrace His call and experience the rewards He has prepared for you. Let your life be a testimony of His transformative power and watch how He uses your faithfulness to impact those around you.

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