People-Pleasing vs. Pleasing God

“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” - Galatians 1:10  
We all want to be liked. It's a natural human desire to seek approval and avoid conflict. But when pleasing others becomes more important than pleasing God, we start making decisions based on popularity rather than on what is right and God-honoring.

Think about your own life. How often do you find yourself making choices based on what others will think? Maybe you agree to plans you don’t really want to be a part of just to fit in, or you keep silent about your beliefs to avoid awkward conversations. We all face moments where the desire to please people can overshadow our commitment to God.
Paul’s question in Galatians 1:10 is a powerful reminder to realign our priorities. He asks, “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God?” This question challenges us to consider whether we are living to meet the expectations of those around us or to fulfill God's call on our lives.

When we prioritize people-pleasing, we risk compromising our values and integrity. Decisions made to win approval can often lead us away from what is right and true. For instance, you might hesitate to speak up about your faith because you’re worried about how it will be received. Or perhaps you’re tempted to follow trends or pressures that don’t align with your values.
Jesus Himself faced people-pleasing pressures. He was often challenged by those who wanted Him to conform to their expectations. Yet He remained steadfast in His mission, always seeking to please His Father rather than conforming to societal pressures.

Are there areas where you’re compromising your values to gain approval? Are there decisions you’ve made because it was popular or expected rather than what is truly right in God’s eyes?
Remember, seeking God’s approval often means standing firm in your beliefs and values, even when it’s uncomfortable. It might mean making choices that aren’t popular or that challenge the status quo.  

Commit today to seeking God’s approval above all else. Trust that when you make choices that honor God, He will guide you and provide for you in ways you can’t foresee. Your identity and worth are found in Him, not in the approval of others.  

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