The Weight of Influence

"The Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth." - 2 Timothy 2:24-25  
Power can be dangerous when it’s out of control. Whether it’s at work, home, school, or in your community, you hold some level of influence and authority. And how you use that power matters. Will you use it to push people down, manipulate, or control? Or will you use it to lift others up, inspire, and bring life?

The Apostle Paul was deeply concerned about how power was being misused in the church at Galatia. His letter to them, the book of Galatians, was written out of frustration and heartbreak. There were people in the church who were manipulating and distorting the gospel, leading others astray.  

Paul couldn’t stand by and let this happen because he understood the damage that unchecked power could cause. He called them out for turning away from the true gospel and following false teachings. It was a stark reminder that power, when used selfishly, can tear apart relationships, communities, and even the church.
But there’s another side to power. Power, when under control, can be life-giving. When you use your influence to guide, support, and love others, you reflect the heart of Jesus. You see, Jesus had all power and authority, yet He never used it to manipulate or dominate others. Instead, He used His power to serve, heal, and bring life. He calls us to do the same.

Gentleness is power under control. It's knowing you have influence but choosing to use it wisely. It's recognizing that your words and actions have the power to either build up or tear down and choosing to be a source of life to those around you.
How are you using the power God has given you? Are you using it to control and manipulate, or are you using it to encourage and strengthen those around you? The people in your life are watching, and your influence on them is profound.  

Choose to live like Jesus, using your power in a way that brings life, not harm. When power is under control, it becomes a tool for God’s glory and the betterment of others.
Take a moment today to ask God to help you use the power He’s given you for good. In every relationship and interaction, let gentleness guide you because power under control is truly life-giving.
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