Clothed in Gentleness

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." – Galatians 2:20  
How do you put on the clothes of gentleness in your life? It’s not about trying harder or willing yourself to be gentle. Gentleness isn’t something that comes from your own strength, it’s something that flows from God’s power working in you.  

When you try to live more gently in your own effort, you’ll quickly realize how impossible that is. Gentleness, like all the fruit of the Spirit, is a supernatural gift. It’s something that God grows in you as you surrender your life to Him.
We don’t naturally possess the kind of gentleness God calls us to. Psalm 53:1 reminds us that no one does good on their own, and Romans 3:10 says that no one is righteous, not even one. This means that without God’s help, gentleness will always be out of reach.  

But here’s the good news, God doesn’t expect you to muster up gentleness on your own. He offers His presence and His power to make this transformation happen. When you invite Jesus to be your Savior and King, His Spirit begins to work in you, reshaping your heart and your life to look more like His.
If you feel like gentleness is something you struggle with, know that Jesus can change you from the inside out. His presence in your life has the power to soften your rough edges and help you reflect His love and kindness.  

When you fully surrender to Christ, your heart starts to look more like His, and your life begins to reflect His gentle nature. Only Jesus can transform you into the person you were created to be. As you rely on His power, you’ll find yourself clothed in gentleness, living in a way that brings life and peace to others.
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