The Gentle Savior's Call

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." – Matthew 11:28-29 
You can be a gentle saint. Do you know why? Because Jesus is a gentle Savior. Think about the world Jesus entered, full of rebellion, hatred, and worship of false gods. Mankind was rejecting God, yet instead of coming in judgment, He came in humility.  

Jesus could have come with fire and fury, wiping us out, but He didn’t. He came gently, as a baby, living a life of humility and mercy. He served the outcasts, washed the feet of those who would betray Him, and forgave those who crucified Him.  

Jesus had every right to destroy His enemies, but instead, He died for them. He died for you. That’s the heart of the gospel. Jesus was gentle with us when we deserved anything but gentleness. His life is the perfect example of gentleness in action. He didn’t meet aggression with aggression but responded with love and grace.  

So, let me ask you: how will you respond to His gentleness today? Is there anger or bitterness you’re holding onto? Is there someone you need to forgive or a grudge you need to let go of? Jesus invites you to come to Him, to lay your burdens at His feet, and learn from His gentleness. He offers you freedom from whatever anger or aggression you might be feeling.
You can become more like Jesus, letting go of your old self and putting on the gentleness that comes from the Spirit. It's not about trying harder; it’s about surrendering to Him. Trust Him today, and let His gentle Spirit transform you into who you were created to be.
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