Through the Hard Times

"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." – John 16:33

There’s something about tough times that tests our faith in ways that nothing else does. When life gets hard—when the pressures of work, family, health, or even personal struggles pile up—it's easy to wonder: Is following Jesus really worth it?  

This question, though it may seem harsh, is one that many Christians wrestle with during seasons of trial. The reality is, we all go through difficulties, and those difficulties often lead us to face an important question: Will I still choose Jesus when life isn’t going my way?
In Revelation, the early church faced persecution so intense that it felt like a constant fight for survival. The pressure to conform and bow down to idols, whether it was the emperor or the lifestyle of the world, was overwhelming. But the book of Revelation doesn't just give us a view into the end times, it serves as a reminder for us today about the importance of staying faithful to Jesus, even when it’s hard.

Following Jesus isn't about a smooth, easy life. It’s about a choice to trust Him in the midst of chaos. It's about surrendering our circumstances to Him even when it feels like everything is falling apart. The apostle Paul knew this struggle well, yet he said, "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Paul understood something crucial: the difficulties we face in this life are temporary, but the glory we will experience with Christ is eternal.
When life is hard, it’s easy to focus on the immediate pain, the unanswered questions, or the circumstances we don’t understand. But the choice to follow Jesus through those moments is what strengthens our faith and shapes our character. It's through the struggle that we come to know Jesus in deeper ways, experiencing His peace, comfort, and presence in ways we wouldn’t otherwise.

The most important thing we can do in these moments is to remember that Jesus doesn’t promise us a life free from hardship. But He does promise to be with us through every storm. "I will never leave you nor forsake you," Choosing Jesus in the hard times is a way of showing that we trust His promises more than we trust our circumstances. It’s a declaration that we believe He is greater than any trial we face.
When the world presses in on you, and it feels like you’re at a breaking point, will you choose to follow Jesus? The decision to remain faithful, to stand firm, and to trust in His ultimate victory is one of the most powerful acts of worship we can offer. No matter how difficult life gets, remember that following Jesus is always worth it because He has already overcome the world.
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