The Key to Freedom

“I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” - John 10:9

Not too long ago, I had the privilege of sharing the gospel at the Bradley County Jail, and one of the most vivid memories I have is of speaking to men who were surrounded by fear and hopelessness. These men were confined by bars, but there was something far greater keeping them in bondage: Sin and guilt that they couldn’t escape on their own.
After sharing the gospel with a large group, several men responded and wanted to give their lives to Christ. One man even asked if I would meet him in his cell for a private conversation. I agreed, and as I entered his tiny, locked cell, the door slammed shut behind me. For a moment, I was caught off guard, and I realized I was locked in with him.

The sound of that door slamming shut was startling, but it only took a few seconds before the guard noticed and unlocked the door, letting me out. He apologized and asked me a question: “Pastor, were you afraid when the door closed?” I told him I wasn’t afraid at all. I knew that he was watching over us and that he held the key to the door. As long as he had the key, I had nothing to fear.
In the same way, when you know Jesus, you can face any challenge, fear, or uncertainty without being afraid. He holds the key to sin, death, and everything that threatens to bind you. Jesus is the one who unlocks the door to freedom, forgiveness, and eternal life.

The question I have for you today is: Do you know Him? Is He your Savior and Lord? Jesus has paid the price for your salvation. His blood was shed to cancel your sin debt. But it’s not enough just to know about Him. You must receive Him as your Savior. Jesus alone holds the key to your freedom, and He makes Himself available to you today.
Has Jesus saved you? Has He forgiven you? Are you ready to walk in the freedom He offers? Don’t wait another moment. He is the key, and He is ready to set you free.

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