The One Who Holds the Stars

"In his right hand he held seven stars, and from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength." - Revelation 1:16

In Revelation, we read that Jesus holds the seven stars in His right hand. At first glance, this image might seem strange, but it carries a powerful message about Jesus' control and authority over His church.  

The seven stars represent the angels or messengers of the seven churches, and the fact that Jesus holds them in His right hand signifies His complete sovereignty over them. The "right hand" is often seen as a symbol of strength and authority, so this image conveys that nothing happens without His permission.
Why does this matter to you? It means that Jesus is in control. He isn't a distant figure merely watching things unfold. He holds the church, its leaders, and its messengers firmly in His hands. When you feel unsure about the direction of your life, the challenges your church faces, or the state of the world around you, you can take comfort in knowing that Jesus is in control of it all. He holds the church, its message, and its purpose in His hands, and no power can override His authority.

This title reveals the intimate relationship Jesus has with His church. By holding the stars in His hand, He’s demonstrating care and protection. It’s a reminder that His authority isn't one of harshness but of love and purpose. Just as a loving parent watches over their child, Jesus oversees the church with tenderness and care.
For you personally, this title reminds you that Jesus holds your life in His hands as well. The trials and struggles you face are never outside of His control. He is not only the head of the church, but He is also the one who cares for each individual within it. He holds the leaders and the believers alike, ensuring that His will is being accomplished through His people.

Take heart today, knowing that the One who holds the seven stars is also holding you. His authority, power, and love are unshakable. Nothing can happen outside of His perfect will. Rest in the security that Jesus, in His right hand, has a firm grasp on your life.

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