The Beginning of the Creation of God
"And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation.’" - Revelation 3:14
The title The Beginning of the Creation of God emphasizes that Jesus is not only the source but also the sustainer of all creation. Far from being a created being, Jesus is the eternal Word through whom everything came into existence. As John 1:1-3 reminds us, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through him, and apart from Him, not one thing was created that has been created."
Jesus is the origin of life itself. Every mountain, every ocean, and every star in the sky exists because of Him. But more than that, the breath in your lungs and the beat of your heart are gifts from His creative power. He didn’t just create the universe and step back. He actively sustains it. The same Jesus who spoke the galaxies into existence is intimately involved in every detail of your life.
Why should this matter to you? It reminds you of your value and purpose. You are not an accident or the product of random chance. You were crafted with intention by the One who designed the entire cosmos. Knowing this should fill you with awe and gratitude. Jesus, the origin of all creation, chose to step into His creation to redeem it. His role as Creator makes His sacrifice even more significant. The One who formed the universe humbled Himself to walk among us, to die for us, and to offer us new life.
This truth also calls you to live with purpose. If Jesus is the source of all things, then everything you have – your time, talents, and resources – belongs to Him. Are you living in a way that reflects His creativity and purpose? Are you using what He has given you to honor Him and further His kingdom?
Let this title remind you that Jesus is not distant or detached. He is the beginning, the source, and the sustainer of all things, including you. Trust Him as the Creator who knows you intimately and has a plan for your life, a plan woven into the very fabric of creation itself.
The title The Beginning of the Creation of God emphasizes that Jesus is not only the source but also the sustainer of all creation. Far from being a created being, Jesus is the eternal Word through whom everything came into existence. As John 1:1-3 reminds us, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through him, and apart from Him, not one thing was created that has been created."
Jesus is the origin of life itself. Every mountain, every ocean, and every star in the sky exists because of Him. But more than that, the breath in your lungs and the beat of your heart are gifts from His creative power. He didn’t just create the universe and step back. He actively sustains it. The same Jesus who spoke the galaxies into existence is intimately involved in every detail of your life.
Why should this matter to you? It reminds you of your value and purpose. You are not an accident or the product of random chance. You were crafted with intention by the One who designed the entire cosmos. Knowing this should fill you with awe and gratitude. Jesus, the origin of all creation, chose to step into His creation to redeem it. His role as Creator makes His sacrifice even more significant. The One who formed the universe humbled Himself to walk among us, to die for us, and to offer us new life.
This truth also calls you to live with purpose. If Jesus is the source of all things, then everything you have – your time, talents, and resources – belongs to Him. Are you living in a way that reflects His creativity and purpose? Are you using what He has given you to honor Him and further His kingdom?
Let this title remind you that Jesus is not distant or detached. He is the beginning, the source, and the sustainer of all things, including you. Trust Him as the Creator who knows you intimately and has a plan for your life, a plan woven into the very fabric of creation itself.
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